
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Kpop Concerts & KDramas

I know it has been a while since I’ve written anything for you all, but I guess you could say I’ve been stuck in a funk. Not really feeling excited for anything, let alone to put on a smile and be cordial to those around me. Bad I know, but I figured that maybe after a year of putting off being friendly, maybe it was time to try again. Maybe it was time to put myself together again and try to make a better me. I hope you all will join me in this journey of finally enjoying life. 

I really hope to be doing this with a combination of exercise, music and probably some dieting. I know I know, dieting is supposed to only make a person cranky, but maybe a change will be good for me. We can only try, right?

But on to why I am writing this in the first place! Korean pop a.k.a kpop & Korean Dramas a.k.a kdramas. While I’ve been in my funk I’ve gone to two concerts, and watched three dramas. The two concerts were B.A.P (Best Absolute Perfect) and Got7 which of course were amazing, and the dramas were MoorimSchool, Oh My Ghostess, and Oh My Venus. 

So let’s talk about the concerts first, shall we? B.A.P, one of the many groups I’ve followed since their debut and I can honestly say considering it had been over two years since I had last seen them, they still were so very impressive it’s hard to top them. Just as last time, they spoke English more or less the entire time, and I have to say my favorite part was Daehyun telling everyone in the audience to “sit down and relax” for his solo. I’ve been to quite a few concerts (6) and none of the idols ever told us to get comfortable. It was refreshing to hear he wanted us to enjoy ourselves as he sang. 

I think that has to be one of the reasons why B.A.P holds a special place in my heart. They always seem to be thinking of their fans even if it hurts them (Like Yongguk and his most recent medical issue). I feel like there was only one downfall to this concert series and this was the change of song line up for each state. I remember in, maybe it was, Texas Youngjae sang in English, and I was so excited when they came to Chicago to hear his beautiful voice in English. But he didn’t. None of them did. In fact they didn’t even sing Take You There which they said they had written for their BABY’s. This surprised me, with it being one of my favorite songs off of their Young Wild & Free album; it was a bit of a disappointment. 

And only about two months later, GOT7 came. This was my first time seeing them since I missed their mini concert the last time they were in Chicago.  I went with a friend of mine as usual, but this time it was my turn to buy the tickets. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. It was almost like going through hell and back to get these damned things that I had to settle for a pair of tickets I wasn’t sure I was happy about. Oddly enough, they wound up being the seats directly where GOT7 entered the theater, and we got to shake Jackson and Yugyeom’s hands. To say I flipped out, once again, would be an understatement. As probably none of you know, Yugyeom is my bias in Got7 and just meeting him like that was enough to check 

The only downside occurred after the concert as I’m sure any Kpop fan heard, BamBam said a BIG no word on their trip to Cali. It almost made the hype of the concert null. I will not give an opinion on the topic because it is such a sensitive one. 

I highly recommend going to either concert if they are ever in your neck of the woods~!

Ok Ok on to dramas. If you’re new to Korean Dramas, I will make a list and post it in a day or two for some that you may like! Heck, because I loved most of them so much I’ll even give you a rating and a very brief description. 


Moorim School 3.5/5

I personally like to think of Moorim as the butt kicking version Hogwarts. Have I caught your attention yet? It stars Hongbin of VIXX, and whats his face , seriously having a blank right now but will insert his name later (Lee HyunWoo), who was in To The Beautiful You as the second leading male a.k.a the guy who didn’t get the girl. Hongbin plays a privileged rich boy who literally would throw himself off a cliff rather than attend Moorim & HyunWoo plays an idol who finds himself suffering as he begins to go deaf from this strong ringing in his ears that literally pain him. The plot thickens, as it usually does, where both attend the school only to find out there is some evil source searching for a way to gain control of not only the school, but all of Korea. 

In my opinion, I was most impressed with the fact that there were SO MANY non-Korean Actors & Actresses in this drama. It really impressed me that they went into a level where race didn’t matter. Where as in many other dramas, it is more often the case where the one Caucasian male is actually a violent jerk that beats women for kicks and giggles. But not this one and that impressed me the most. The reason I gave it this middle rating is, the plot seemed to move far too fast for my liking. One minute Hongbin and Hyunwoo are enemies and the next they are buddies. I felt if they slowed it down, and worked on the camera work, over dramatic spinning it not fun, it could have looked more professional. 

Oh My Ghostess 4/5

This drama tickled my funny bone in so many ways, and it seemed to go a very different course than many dramas. Most of the dramas I have watched tend to try and stay very clean. However, in Oh My Ghostess, they tend to push the envelope by making the one main female role a ghost who is eager for her first time, believing that it will help her move on to the next realm. Do accomplish this, she convinces a young culinary student to allow her to possess her in order to fulfill her goal, and get closer to the man they both adore. But of course, things begin to take a turn as the ghost’s time on earth is counting down, she begins to turn into an evil spirit.

When I first watched this drama, I felt a strong connection to the characters, as I have worked in a restaurant before and know what it’s like to take all of the blame even though it is not your fault, as well as being the punching bag for those that have had a hard day. But I would have to say what I liked most of this drama is the mystery aspect that starts to appear just past the middle of the drama. I am a big fan of any form of murder mystery and I can easily say that this one is perfect. The only negative part I can say is there are quite a few characters in this drama and it can occasionally be hard to keep track of who is who. 

Oh My Venus 5/5  

This drama seemed to be a part of the trend that occurred in a string of drama’s such as “She was pretty” that discuss growing old, and losing the beauty of our youth. Our once perfect figure that one would kill for is now one with age or stress, leaving us with a new version of ourselves. It is about this girl who in highschool was the “Venus” of Degu, and had it all, including an Olympic swimmer boyfriend, but wanting something that didn’t involve her looks, her goal in life was to become a lawyer. Many years later she achieves her goal, only to find herself in a loveless relationship with said Olympic Swimmer, and realize that being a lawyer doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be fighting for the right side of a case. Realizing that she was no longer the “Venus” of Degu, she runs into John Kim a name known worldwide as the man who can change lives. 

Ok right off the bat, I will admit, I only wanted to watch this drama for Henry Lau. Cause really, who doesn’t love Henry, right? And I was right, it’s amazing. Henry brings in his English speaking charm throughout the entire series, always opening his mouth at the wrong times, or being insanely sweet to our leading “mam” as he would call her. And hearing the other cast members impersonate him made me want to roll around in laughter. Honestly this drama does have its dramatic points, but in the end it’s evenly balanced by the comedy so generously provided by Henry. 

Now I don’t want to make this too much longer, but if you have your own opinion on any of these drama’s, whether it be conflicting or in agreement, let me know! I’d love to hear what you all have to say, and maybe even hear any Drama recommendations!

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